
Dr. Anette Violet offers services for clients from the free market and the non-profit sector. The width ranges from global clients through to medium scale organisations and small enterprises.


Leadership training…

… on various topics for groups up to 12 participants.
Thereby a pragmatic training concept is implemented, which is oriented on the needs of clients and participants. Topics for training include agile leadership, remote leadership and systemic conflict management as well as intercultural themes.


Change Management…

… for teams and departments going through change processes.
The focus lies on the participants acquiring the necessary competences to independently go through change processes in the future as individuals, as a team or whole department. This includes reflecting one’s own handling of change, dealing with resistance and moderation skills.


Personnel diagnostics…

… for specialist- and management positions, also internationally. The focus lies on the conception of agile Assessment Centers, as well as on conducting diagnostic interviews and on training managers on topics related to personnel selection.